1. Our Approach to Privacy
We handle privacy as follows:
1-1. All employees may abide by the law and company rules of privacy.
1-2. We delegate authority and responsibility to the chief privacy officer chosen within the company, and train him/her to handle privacy strictly.
1-3. The chief privacy officer may conduct a privacy audit.
1-4. Based on the result of a privacy audit, we may improve our company's regulations and operations.
1-5. We may ask clients and affiliates for help with handling privacy properly.
1-6. This policy may always be disclosed on our company home page and company brochure.
2. Manage Your Privacy
2-1. We clarify our purpose of using the personal information when we collect it, and use it within the purpose.
2-2. When we are asked to disclose, correct, or cancel the personal information, we comply within a reasonable period and area.
2-3. We handle the personal information properly to avoid an unauthorized access, loss, data falsification or divulgation.